Prep With Us
All Morax Prep tutors are graduates of top universities and have scored in the 97th percentile or higher on the standardized exams in which they tutor. We can prepare you for the SAT / PSAT, ACT, ISEE, SAT, HSPT exam and more! We are highly skilled at knowing what it takes to crack these exams, whether it's learning specific techniques to solving a problem or recognizing common traps and tricks.
Our teaching style strives to make standardized exams seem conquerable. We provide a clear roadmap to success, easy to understand techniques and strategies to get there, and continual encouragement and support to our students. Our goal is solely to make our students succeed with a minimum amount of stress on their part. That’s it.
The three most common private high school entrance exams are the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT), the High School Placement Test (HSPT), and the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE). Many boarding schools require the SSAT, while some independent schools are willing to accept either the SSAT or the ISEE. Most private Catholic high schools have a set assessment day where they administer the HSPT for prospective students to take “on site”.
The two exams for college undergraduate admission are the SAT and the ACT. We consistently take the new SAT and ACT exams offered each year to make sure that we are keeping up with exam trends and questions types. Let us help you prepare for your standardized test! Click on your desired exam below to find out more information, or feel free to contact us.
Our teaching style strives to make standardized exams seem conquerable. We provide a clear roadmap to success, easy to understand techniques and strategies to get there, and continual encouragement and support to our students. Our goal is solely to make our students succeed with a minimum amount of stress on their part. That’s it.
The three most common private high school entrance exams are the Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT), the High School Placement Test (HSPT), and the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE). Many boarding schools require the SSAT, while some independent schools are willing to accept either the SSAT or the ISEE. Most private Catholic high schools have a set assessment day where they administer the HSPT for prospective students to take “on site”.
The two exams for college undergraduate admission are the SAT and the ACT. We consistently take the new SAT and ACT exams offered each year to make sure that we are keeping up with exam trends and questions types. Let us help you prepare for your standardized test! Click on your desired exam below to find out more information, or feel free to contact us.